Saturday, 20 August 2011

Mad News

This is mad.
Man dies after being tasered, 'cause of death unknown'.
I think I can guess. Was it: being hit by a taser?

Heard on BBC Radio that the last person who died in the UK after a taser attack did so because of a weak heart. So how many people have weak hearts in the UK? Pretty big risk, assuming the guy your tasering isn't one of them. And what if all deaths were explained in this way? "Man dies due to not keeping Bible in breast pocket" for example, instead of saying he was shot in the heart.

References: [this must be the man mentioned on the radio]

Evicting may lead to Homelessness
In the opening paragraph of a Times article this week, it explained that some people think evicting may lead to homelessness. Hmm, yes, at first I was hard pressed to see the correlation, but then I did, once I stopped being mad.

No reference provided for this one, since The Times don't let just anyone put their grubby eyes on their nice news site. I read it in the terrestrial world, from my Grandad's paper copy, earlier this week.

Saturday, 13 August 2011

A Hare out of Place

Made this quick illustration for last week's Illustration Friday topic, 'Imperfect'. I am still putting it up because I think it was perfect (ha) for the topic. Unfortunately, tad too late. Excuses: ooh, blah,gah, didn't get to the scanner (sounds better when you know I don't have a scanner, have to go across the road), busy week (can't remember why; think I just felt sleepy all week), sketching for Cornish children's story, painting that banana and eating too many biscuits. Forget the biscuits. 'I was eating biscuits at the time' is never going to gain much sympathy as an excuse. Empathy, maybe. We've all been there, right. Yes, yes, right. Even JK Rowling says gluttony is the most acceptable deadly sin and she isn't even fat.

Thursday, 4 August 2011

Of Painting, Decision making, and Nougat.

There has been some disagreement in the Goodfellow household as to whether Suky's painting is finished. A couple of 'yes' arguments say that a disputed area is 'heat haze' or looks unfinished because the painter in the picture has a blank canvas and so he hasn't painted that bit yet. The underlying concern in the 'yes' camp is that I will ruin it if I am allowed to go blundering near it again with wet paint. As I have a self-portrait propped against the bath that I plan to attack with some white spirit at some point (it used to look good, I remember) they may have a point. However, if I do not decide for myself when a painting is finished, then I start to see myself as a painting ape; blindly dabbing at a canvas until someone snatches it away and pronounces 'done!'

Best part of today was the reduced out of date nougat I bought at The Cornish Candy Shoppe. Only 10p each and only a month and a half out of date! Delish. Unfortunately there were only two and I think that I may be hooked. As they were Cote D'or, normally retailling at 75p for a 30g bar, I fear the future is bleak. 'Bleak' in this instance is being used as an adjective meaning 'without nougat'.


How many spoons is too many spoons?