Monday, 30 April 2012

It's a Wonderful Fife

In case you haven't heard, my second ever short film 'It's a Wonderful Fife', is now up on youtube. It's a loosely based spoof of It's a Wonderful Life, set in St Andrews.

The main character is Jamie; not played by James Stewart, but by Elizabeth Gray, who is shorter and, some would say, more feminine. In case you think I'm rude, I am one of those people who would say she's more feminine. I was just providing space between the lines for other opinions.

It was made over the course of two weeks in St Andrews. With a budget of less than ten pounds. It's hard to say exactly what the budget was mind you, since I wasn't counting every text message I sent out to cast and crew saying 'get out here!' It would have been quite a lot. I do know I spent £2.98 on caramel wafers, but I did get a free box. 'What kind of a box', you say? You'll have to watch the film. It does a spectacular performance of holding caramel wafers. Has 'Caramel Wafers' on it and everything. Oh, now I've told you what the box looks like. I hope you watch the film anyway.