There has been some disagreement in the Goodfellow household as to whether Suky's painting is finished. A couple of 'yes' arguments say that a disputed area is 'heat haze' or looks unfinished because the painter in the picture has a blank canvas and so he hasn't painted that bit yet. The underlying concern in the 'yes' camp is that I will ruin it if I am allowed to go blundering near it again with wet paint. As I have a self-portrait propped against the bath that I plan to attack with some white spirit at some point (it used to look good, I remember) they may have a point. However, if I do not decide for myself when a painting is finished, then I start to see myself as a painting ape; blindly dabbing at a canvas until someone snatches it away and pronounces 'done!'
Best part of today was the reduced out of date nougat I bought at The Cornish Candy Shoppe. Only 10p each and only a month and a half out of date! Delish. Unfortunately there were only two and I think that I may be hooked. As they were Cote D'or, normally retailling at 75p for a 30g bar, I fear the future is bleak. 'Bleak' in this instance is being used as an adjective meaning 'without nougat'.
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